Cookie Policy

The user can accept the use of cookies via the ad-hoc cookie banner.

Cookies are pieces of code (computer files or partial data) sent by a server to the Internet browser of the user, automatically saved from this browser on the computer of the user and then sent again to the server at every occurrence or next access to the site. A cookie usually contains the name of the website from which the cookie originates, the lifetime of the cookie (namely for how long it will remain on the user’s device) and a value, normally a unique number casually generated. At every next visit, the cookies are sent again to the website that has originated them (first party cookies) or to another site that recognizes them (third-party cookies). Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize the user’s device and have different purposes such as, for example, to enable an efficient navigation on the sites, remember the favorite sites and, in general, improve the navigation experience. They are also helpful in order to make advertisements more user-oriented. Furthermore, cookies are used to pursue anonymous aggregated statistics allowing a better understanding on how to improve the structure and contents of the Site.

If the user decides to deactivate the non-essential cookies, this may influence and/or limit the navigation experience on the Site, for instance he may not be able to visit some sections of the Site or may not receive personalized information when he visits the Site.

The modalities to limit and block the cookies can be adjusted by modifying the settings of your internet browser. Most of the internet browsers are initially set in order to automatically accept cookies, the user can however modify the settings in order to block cookies or get notified every time cookies are sent to his device. There are different ways to handle cookies, for this reason it is necessary to check the helping desk of your browser to understand how to modify its settings. The user is in fact entitled to modify the predefined configuration and deactivate cookies (i.e. block them forever), choosing the highest protection level.

Here below some useful links to handle cookies depending on the type of browser:



The Sites use different kinds of cookies and each of them has its own peculiar function.

Here below an explanatory list.

Essential Technical Cookies

“Technical” cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and allow users to navigate the site and exploit all of its characteristics (for instance they allow to memorize all the previous actions and or save the sessions of the user and/or do other activities strictly linked to the functioning of the site).

“Analytical” cookies belong to this category as well, helpful in order to understand how users interact with the site and to give information with regard to the last page visited, time spent on the site and every relevant situation noticed while visiting the site, for instance an error message, useful to get to know every issue the user faces while using the site. These information may be associated to user’s details such as IP address, domain or browser; however, they are analyzed together with other users’ information in order not to identify a specific user. These cookies are collected in anonymous aggregated form and allow improving the usability of the site.

Finally, “functionality” cookies allow the site to remember the choices of the user (for instance the name of the user), to enable a more personalized and optimized navigation. “Functionality” cookies are not indispensable to the functioning of the Sites, but they improve their quality and the navigation experience. If these cookies are not accepted, the functioning of the site may result poor and the access to its contest may be limited.

Marketing cookies

“Marketing” cookies are optional, they may be refused by the user. These cookies are used to present contents more suitable to the user and his interests. They can be used to view personalized advertisements or to limit the number of times the user views them. Moreover, they measure the efficiency of the publicity campaigns on the site; the site operator may use these cookies to remember the sites the user has visited and share these information with third parties, included agencies or advertisers that may use their cookies to collect information on the users’ activities on the site.

If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy of the Site, please contact us via the contact form.

Your current cookie settings

You may view or change your current cookie settings via the link below.

This website is using cookies : Essential cookies necessary for the operation of the site, and others that are used to display personalized content. Privacy Policy

This website is using cookies : Essential cookies necessary for the operation of the site, and others that are used to display personalized content. Privacy Policy
